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NI Women's Budget Group

The NI Women's Budget Group is made up of organisations and individuals from the women's sector, trade union movement, academia, and wider civil society.

Our aim is to implement a gender equal economy. We scrutinise policy and budgetary matters with a gendered lens to bring attention to the different ways in which women and men are affected by government-level decision making. 

We aim to provide policy and budget-makers with policy analysis to secure substantive equality for women and men through the assessment of gender impact.

Alex Brennan Introduction

The Statistics

35.4% of women in Northern Ireland cite family and home responsibilities as the reason for their ‘economic inactivity.’


Married women make 75p less per hour than married men.


Spend per male apprenticeships is 53% higher than spend per female apprenticeships.

Our Mission

The Northern Ireland Women’s Budget Group’s mission is to secure an inclusive and gender equal economy in Northern Ireland and demystify the budgetary process.

Our Vision

The Northern Ireland Women’s Budget Group’s vision is a culture of accessible, intersectional, gender-sensitive budgeting, where gender equality is at the heart of all decision-making.

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